Trends in population growth

Trends in population growth or decline may seem an arcane discipline for sociologist or planners. I would like to suggest that the current trend for fewer children since 2009 ( initially it looked like a dip as a response to the great recession of 2008 ) has continued unabated and has reached a low of 1.8 children born to females of childbearing age. This will lead within a generation of 30 years to both a decline in populations ( if we would have no immigration) and an aging of the population as the lifespan has been increasing during the last 2o years.

This has much impact on Schools in general and more specifically on Private Schools – and it will have a significant impact on the economy and companies as there will be a changing demand for products etc. and those who adjust or anticipate can expect to be successful in the new marketplace of fewer children and an aging population.

There will be a further decline in school age children, an overcapacity of schools and college spaces while the need for an educated and interested new generation comes to the foreground. How to ensure a balanced education that allows the creativity of the human spirit to come to bear on the issues of the future will be a key element in the design of school programs, scope and sequence and also the development of community colleges and skills development in the trades.