Every organization, from schools or small businesses to intentional communities, needs a strategic plan. This may encompass a formal business plan, a mission and vision statement or a plan for a specific course of action. In the early stages of an organization, the purpose and intent is usually held in the mind of the founder. As time moves on, this must be externalized and shared in order for others to commit to the vision. We will work beside you and guide you through the process of creating this living document.
Business Plan
A business plan takes the purposes stated in your strategic plan and outlines the steps necessary to accomplish your goals. A comprehensive business plan includes:
- Description of your business
- Timelines for achieving short and long term objectives
- Organizational chart
- Division of responsibilities
- Marketing plan
- Information on contractual arrangements and insurance coverage
- Financial reports and projections
Project Management
Achieving your strategic vision takes time and resources away from key staff — resources you
often can’t afford to spare. Our staff works cohesively with all levels of your management,
business units and customers to build a road map for success. From project initiation, through
planning, execution and close-out, we allow you to focus on day-to-day operations while our
- Identifies resources and organizational requirements
- Documents tasks to ensure timely deliverables
- Controls project schedules and costs
- Implements best-practice processes tailored to your environment
- Achieves greater efficiency for long-term business impact