In today’s fast-moving world, the way an organization appears on the web and print makes the difference between thriving or just getting by. We offer a fresh perspective for your marketing materials, logo, letterhead, website, signage and overall brand consistency. Through an extensive process with all constituent groups in your organization, we embrace and help express the values your organization represents.
Copywriting and Proofreading
Publications need to be consistent in tone and substance in order to maximize impact. Though volunteers are a wonderful resource for gathering information, final editions should have a professional touch to ensure our message is on point and free of errors. Whether creating a new brochure or web site, publishing a monthly newsletter or creating policy manuals, we help your organization have a consistent written voice, eliminate errors, and streamline the publication process.
Marketing Plans
Just as you create a formal budget and strategic plan, successful organizations have a well-defined marketing plan to follow. With so many opportunities via social media, traditional advertising, monthly newsletters, email campaigns and more, marketing can be overwhelming. We work with existing resources and develop a marketing strategy to increase your visibility.
Website Design and Maintenance
From concept and design, through the moment your site goes live, we will work with you to create a fully customized site to fit your brand. A website is only useful if it’s kept up to date, so whether you need updates every day or just a few times a year, we provide the support you need to stay current.